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Our partner AssetCare is paving the way

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

In July 2022, AssetCare became the first Asset Management service provider to partner with Female x Finance, striving for more gender diversity in their team! 🙌

“The quest for young professionals remains a challenge for fast-growing companies. In the financial sector, female talent is even more scarce. Through Female x Finance we have been able to attract several high potentials, which dare to take a lot of responsibility and have proven to bring new insights to drive innovation.” – Tom Straver

Founded in 2006, AssetCare has been facilitating professional investors in the start-up process of their fund in investment categories such as exchange listed products, real estate, private debt, and cryptocurrency. In addition, they provide services to large institutional parties such as pension funds, insurance companies, and family offices.

Since starting their partnership with Female x Finance, AssetCare hired 3 working students from our pool of female talent. And they are now looking to expand their team with full-time hires. Check out their vacancies on the Female x Finance website! 🌟

We’re excited to continue this valuable partnership into 2023, and beyond!

Click here for the original post on LinkedIn.

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